Mohini Chillum

This faya is a part of feminine chillum transmission series.

It was materialized same time as Parvati Faya and was drying when this Naga Baba Faya has been blessed by babas during Shivratri. And whole story about Mohini was told when I was back from India and was glazing it.

Mohini is the only female avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. And Shiva cums semen immediately when he sees Mohini (even by presence of Parvatti). Afterwards, Vishnu comes to his true form and reveals that his maya (illusory power) cannot be surpassed even by Shiva. So Shiva is helpless seein such beauty and excitement. Lord of ascetics.

So this faya is for deeper practice of Mahamaya Channeling or ultimate Shakti projection workout. In this form it is very distracting and dangerous aspect of feminine energy (like Gala for Salvatore Dali, etc). Easily disbalances. But with correct attitude one can blend with her into working field: highest high inspirational energy of femme fatal melted with purest spiritual pivoting of unbound transformation. So heals with provocation and fluctuation of desires and  triggers intense catalyzation in reactionist mind.

This stage is before reaching ultimate tantra between Shiva and Vishnu in Harihara Form or divine coincidentia oppositorum  orgasm and organism. Life and death, stability and change having mutual loving orgasm. Pure, balanced transcending (of anything) field.

So this pipe is kind of relief. With this materialization still emotional Shiva can safely put his chillum into Mohini and experience Highest High Shakti from Her.

What is Equilibrium? Or rather whom is Equilibrium? Is more Vishnu or Shiva representing equilibrium? Or they are serving this force, this God? Humm? O, venerable Ones, what is Your answers to this question?

-question from Guru Ganj to every Guru in human embodiment