Oceans of Hiper-Magination

This is my final ceramic Sutra. My latest book.

The book for smoking stories from it.

The Embodiment of Ganjousness.

“Reading” from this tome is a gate to self-emergent, realtime, immersive SF (Spiritual Fiction) experience.

Whole spiritualfaya – all tales, all poetry, all ceramic sculptures presented here on this webpage are parts of this book. They are stories from this tome. Spiritualfaya itself is tale from “Oceans of Hiper-Magination”. And – whatever happens after reading (smoking) from this hardbook – is the story from it. Period.

So get into Oceans of Hipermagination to swim in Imagination of Gods. Now we have so beautiful time on Earth that its just possible.

Thats all. Healing on all levels! O, Gods!

(ceramic water bong or shisha with hose, with chillum like fireplace and ceramic filter, 20 cm, glazed)

Free all plant and spiritual teachers from Human Mind!

-dj Maksy Malny (one of heroes of this Book)

Author`s note:

“Oceans of Hiper-Magination” is second part of my “Church of Imagination” trilogy.

First one (written in polish ) – “Ozdrowieńcy” –  is about traveling without moving. It consists 36 SF (spiritual fition) stories about inner spaceships.

It is downloadable here :

And now, this Book sculpture is continuation. If your mind works like mine you understand what kind of device it is. It provides answer to question: How much are you transformed into your Self? Into free flow of informations?

Would you like to read our own story from it?

For me this is encyclopedia of Hiper Imagination, of course!

-Emce Kwadrat