Control of Drives Dragon

Dragon of drives with internal double gate flow control.

This meditation friend gives challenging question: to what are you addicted? What of your likes and wants imbalances you. It can be heart craving, it can be medicine, it can be sex, it can be meditation, or food.Ask this question to yourself.

When is not enough. What discipline is needed for you.  And how much you lie to yourself. Why you don`t use it just as catalyst. they are difficult and delicate question. Or do you control substance or other of your drives. How much of inspiration you get is lost because you use intensifications too often.

So this is the fire of discipline. Intention is to heal any hunger that can`t be healed. Perhaps it needs to be balanced in opposite direction. 

Less is more. Strive to be more sensitive and disciplined.

“Smoke only when necessary.”

-Michael Rose

 (waterpipe, needs chillum like ball plug, 35 cm)

“Is it a swann? “
